Now. Today. Completely. Forever.

Break the sabatigoing pattens and energy cycles countering your manifestations, dreams and goals, and start actualizing your intentions

Your Image

Ever felt like manifesting your dreams or embracing a purpose-driven life should be more straightforward? It's frustrating to watching others effortlessly bring their dreams to life with their picture-perfect moments on social media.

While your playing the gueesing game, with your direction, dreams and desires. All the anxiety keeping you in cycles of counter-intuitive decision that make you feel like giving up or settling for less than the intentions you seek to manifest.

And it isn't for the lack of trying, you've sought advice and tried other courses, yet the results remain elusive. I'm here to tell you, it isn't your fault. Many of my clients say, they feel like they're doing something wrong.

But here's the Universal Law News Flash: it doesn't have to be this way!

In just seven weeks, I'll be your Guide to breaking barriers in your sub-conscious and that place in your heart you keep tuck anyway from being disappointed.

I believe you deserve a life-altering breakthrough and, with my step-by-step holisitic approach you'll shed by doubt and fears of the unknown responsible for hindering your manifesting progress.

Picture this, you feeling confident to try new things, reclaiming old forgetten dreams you though no longer a possibility, connecting with new love, moving to a new country, optimizing your health or just living in the bliss of your authentic expressing. I

t's not a distant dream; it's a reality awaiting you.

If this resonates with you, then this is your opportunity to seize this moment! Join me for the life transformation you almost gave up on, in this 7-week journey.

Here's what you'll get:

Your Image

Ditch the exhausting hustle and chase that leave your frustrated, harshly judging your accomplishments and dimishing your ability to see yourself authentically.

WEEK #1: From the beginning, discover the formula that helps you to connect with your true vibe and direction.

Rediscover your worth, and rock your best self with confidence so that you can shed self-doubt in your manifesting!

WEEK #2: Get fearless over the anxiety of change by becoming by the only voice that matters.

WEEK #3: Receive techniques and formula that empower you to exit your comfort zone, embrace authenticity, and rediscover limitless potential.

Elevate your vision, trust intuition, conquer fear, cultivate self-love, and connect deeply with yourself so that you can begin aligning with your intentions more rapidly.

Your Image

Your Image

WEEK #4: Harness inner strength as you rewriting your story so that you can stop doubting yourself and say goodbye to power struggles.

WEEK #5: Let your confidence soar by developing the tools that overcomes overwhelm so you can maintain your high frequency, and stay focused on your journey.

WEEK #6: Smash old habits, access new levels of financial stability and love, unveil your hidden intuition and connect to your life path like never before.

Learn the secret to "letting go" and discover how to trust the Universe.

In WEEK #7: Create powerful steps forward on your life path with more consistency and frequent manifestations.

($2500 Value)

G et Immediate Access to...

  • Get your hands on the 57-page End Toxic Living Ultimate Guidebook! It's your key to reconnecting with your fabulous self.
  • Access the Lifetime Digital Library, your trusty companion for our live sessions – I've got your back every step of the way!
  • Weekly Live Streaming Coach Sessions, your ticket to never-ending self-awareness evolution all the tools you need so that you can keep co-creating even after the program.
  • Energy amplifying bonuses, align your nervous system as you boost new confidence in your manifestation power.
  • 12 months Live Coaching Support to continue clearing stuck and trapped toxic patterns.

How much?

Your Image

Final Group Immersion Live-Streaming Begins on Saturday, October 5th at 11:00 AM PST

7-weeks Live Coaching

$997 $497

No gate keeping! Get instant access to your digital library. Download your Ultimate guide book and get started with previously recorded sessions.

Say Goodbye to this:

Feeling insecure, unclear or doubtful. Being misunderstood, unseen or unheard an areas of our lives dimishes the ability to create wholeness and balance in our entire confidence. It also makes us second-guess our ability to have it all! Let go of invisibilty and step into the spotlight!

Self-judgment much? Critical over-thinking every thing you do? Controlling the narrative on every outcome before you can take decisive action or steps? Silence those nagging habits and the cycle of blocks, delays and energy draining leeches to your emotional, mental and ohysical wellbeing.

Instead do this:

Equip yourself with the techniques to quiet your inner critic to a whisper.

Release the need to control and discover the method to trusting your abundant flow.

Reconnect with your authentic expression as co-creating of your life path.

Own your power and embrace your maginifience.

Manifest that ONE big thing that has been elusive or long over due.

Here's the beauty, you're not alone. The pursuit of joy, wealth and love have been elusive to us all! And, with all the hype, it can be confusing or has left you feeling like something must be wrong with me or "I'm not doing this right." That stops today! Join this like-minded community of women ready to rise their vibration and manifesting ability to new levels with you! Together, we'll create a powerful vortex of wealth, love and freedom together and propel one another to new heights and towards or desires! This is your chance to connect with your truth and rewrite the story that you were born to live!


3x - Power Strategy Sessions

Create powerful daily ritual to assist you in manifesting whatever you desire….change your life with your very first waking thought.

This extra boost in confidence transforms your heart and mind language, your secret weapon – kickstart your manifestation journey.

($997 Value)


3x - Healing Guides & Sessions

These deeply transformational energy meditations and techniques helps raise your vibration so that you can remove negative energy, release self-sabotage and wipe out subconscious negativity, whilst aligning you to higher frequencies of abundance.

($777 Value)

Client Love

Initially skeptical about spiritual coaching, the experience was profound – sensations, racing thoughts, and tears. Enrolling in coaching with Demetriah changed everything.

I met and married the love of my life. Expecting our first child in 2023, I credit Demetriah for guiding me to the life I secretly desired. Wholeheartedly recommending her, my advice is to commit to the Formula. Demetriah delivers results, unlocking human potential in a profound exchange.

Brett, Miami, FL

A shift happened during a 3-day End Toxic Living eRetreat with Demetriah. Afterward I joined End Toxic Living online it brought unparalleled healing to intensify my manifestation process.

Within 90-day I got a promotion and salary boost, boosting confidence to end a stagnant relationship. For genuine transformation, breaking old patterns, and cycles, Demetriah is worth every cent. No regrets!

Sonji, NYC

OMG. I can thank you enough Ms. Demi! You have changed my life forever! Your time and attention, the accuracy of where I was struggling from session to session, allowed me to truly release my fears and emotional wounds and move my life forward.

Every step of the way you guided me with nurturing love and energy healing. I will always recommend your coaching and healing sessions because I am absolutely positive it will the difference for other they way it did for me when dealing with blockages, manifestation of relationships and money. Love you Ms. Demi

Renee, Phoenix, AZ

Absolutely liberating! Demi is a godsend. This program allowed to honestly, face the insecurities and fears keeping me stagnant in life. We targeted my mother's wound and toxic relationships.

Healing these wounds allowed me to give myself the long-overdue permission to live my passions. I now have a thriving community garden which lead to meeting the love of my life. Together, we now have our own Apothecary & Herb shop!

T. Williams, Tacoma, WA

Simply put, life-altering! Devastated emotionally, mentally, and financially after my marriage of 22 years dissolved, I just needed the hope of a brighter future; I was seeking guidance on rebuilding my life. It was so overwhelming I didn't know where to begin.

End Toxic Living, allowed me to I reconnect with myself. Through my journey, I dared to dream again. I had no idea that the secret of manifesting had anything to do with me. Now, I'm creating AND manifesting my life in many amazing ways. God Bless you Demetriah!

S. Mendez, Scottsdale, AZ

OMG I can't say this enough, LIFE TRANSFORMING! This was the answer to prayers. I was so stuck with my self-worth and feelings of being trapped in my life.

Demetriah helped me find confidence in my creativity and develop the manifesting steps to my dream.

I launched my own Interior Design Company. It took off so fast! With in a year, I have amassed a new home, travel the world, have a team of 7 people to handle the client load and more inner peace. I get to treasure more quality family time!

Now, I can add to my previous review I am engaged to be married! Words can't express what I feel for Demetriah, she gave me a life I'd almost given up on!

Simone Jordan, Houston, TX

Your Coach

Demetriah Annenayah

Demetriah Annenayah is a fearless innovator in sacred feminine growth. She received her minister's license 30 years ago and has been a devoted teacher, coach, and mentor, empowering women to thrive in life and business.

With over 25 years of spiritual coaching and business experience, as a project manager of small to medium women-led businesses, she pioneers Mind Engineering Consciousness, End Toxic Living, Awakening Enlightenment, and The Sacred Feminine Design Program. Her coaching system blends the modern science of the mind and holistic needs of the heart with unique formulas, methods and techniques so that you can begin reversing old patterns and cycles.

As a published author of Becoming an Unstoppable Woman: Mompreneur's Edition and Sensual Symphony, Demetriah Annenayah is a guiding light for women seeking to harness the power of sacred feminine manifestation for personal and business fulfillment. She contends that with a clear mind guided by the purity of the heart, every woman can build her empire and leave her legacy.

How it works - F.A.Q

Who is this Coaching for?

This 7-week Group Immersion is right for you if:

-Divine Feminine energy anchoring from toxic masculine living as you dismantle old archaic belief systems.

-Those who need accointability and structured methods to embrace shifting and letting go with tools and practice guidance.

-People who struggle with negative thoughts, emotions and fears blocking them from reaching for their dreams.

-Anyone repeating unhealthy relationship cycles and desire to connect with an authentic partnership/relationship.

-Anyone seeking to access powerful tools of manifestations to create consistent success.

-Healers, Coaches, and Business Mavericks who haven't yet been to connect with their community but desire to share their magic.

-Those who feel trapped, alone or shrink into life roles or aspects of life that no longer serve them.

-Anyone fearful of change, life transitions or harmful patterns keeping them from financial freedom or healthier loving relationships.

-Those who desire new life paths but not sure where to start.

-People who have trying a long time to manifestation anything that still hasn't actualized.

-Intimate interaction with like-minded individuals ready, willing and driven to change so that they too can manifest what they deserve!

Say goodbye to toxic patterns and hello to a life of joy! Enroll in End Toxic Living, download your guidebook, and let the cosmic magic unfold. Your vibrant future is just a click away!

What are the live-streaming coaching dates & times?

After your enrollment you will receive immediate access to your Digital Library be sure to watch your Intro & Welcome video to prepare for our time together.

Your Live-stream Group Immersion Coaching & Healing begins on Saturday at 11:00am PST and meets weekly 7-weeks consecutively. Watch your email for launch date information!

This is the shift you've been waiting for, kicks off at the top of the New Year! Enroll in End Toxic Living, download your guidebook, and let the cosmic shift begin. Your journey to joy starts now – seize the moment! See you on the inside!

What if I have miss a Live Group Immersion?

Now worries beautiful Human, I got you covered! Although, I encourage your live participation because stops and starts impede your unstoppable manifesting momentum!

Yet, life happens so for that reason, I've included weekly Pre-Recorded Sessions for each week of your journey so that you don't miss one.

Ready for a breakthrough? Enroll in End Toxic Living now, download your Ultimate Guidebook, and join the Live Introduction Healing Session and, let's kickstart your journey to a life filled with peace, joy, and loving relationships. Your transformation awaits!

What topics will the 7-weeks cover, Demetriah?

Great question!

End Toxic Living is designed to shift past fear-based thinking and into heart-awakening self-confidence so each week we will unearth subconscious patterns countering your manifesting process.

Each weekly module is approx.
15-25 minutes.

Week #1: The Point of Departure -
Learn how to how to get clear about your intentions by eliminating the fear-based version so that what we are seeking actualizes in a more fulfilling way.

Week #2: Embrace Your Worth & Value -
Uncover the formula that guides you in celebrating and honoring the deepest most intrinsic parts of your being, so vital in manifesting your new vibration and not your fear-based pain story.

Week #3: Break-up with the Dilemma of Change -
Employ the method that aids you in overcoming the fear of change, failure or rejection and develop the resource to eliminate resistance to creating and start manifesting.

Week #4: Reframe Who You Say You Are
Discover the technique that helps you deepen your story and write the version that helps you become one with your visions and dreams through a higher vantage point of your authentic self.

Week #5: Building Inner Bridges -
Discover the strategy to overcoming overwhelm, anxiety, fear, or stress and how to step outside of your comfort zone and into the life you dream and desire.

Week #6: How To Become Unbreakable -
Get the formula that disrupts old emotional thinking, spirals, and habits that destroy peace and joy so that you can achieve and attract only what you desire.

Week #7 Set Up Your Exit Strategy -
Utilizing all the methods, techniques and formula you'll put together the exit strategy that is right you while learning how to build lasting vibrational intentions fearlessly.

Claim your seat on the cosmic journey! Enroll in End Toxic Living today, download your End Toxic Living Ultimate Guidebook, and let's break free from old patterns together. Your time for transformation is now!

What if I have already tried something like this before?

Beautiful Soul,

Many of my clients, say this in the beginning of their journeys with me. My friend, healing comes in stages of time of our life path. And, I can tell you this if there are things in your life that still aren't settled within your soul and you desire more out of your manifestation process, life, love & relationships, have big dreams or goals that haven't manifested yet, then this is for you.

Unleash your true potential! Secure your spot in End Toxic Living, download your guidebook, and let's embark on this empowering 7-week journey. Your cosmic transformation begins today!

What else will I receive when I enroll?

✓ Live Streaming Coaching - 7-week Coaching & Healing Group Immersion!

✓ Bonus Coaching Notes and Spiritual Growth Routines and Rituals for deeper healing.

✓ Rapid Manifesting technique weekly - Each week, get a vibrational boost and align with your dreams!

✓Guided Meditations to shift your from status quo Survival Mode and get crystal clear about your authentic self-expression.

✓ Unwavering Group Immersion Support - Step into a powerhouse of like-minded souls! As you mix and mingle with your soul squad!

✓ Discover your 4- Bonus Coaching Notes in your digital library – your trusty companion for our live sessions.

✓ Uplifting Energy Healing Library - Energize your vibration with a Bonus Chakra Healings!

✓ Empowering Strategy Coach Sessions - These gems help you weave our principles seamlessly into your daily life.

✓ Continue the journey with Lifetime Access – Your golden ticket to ongoing renewal and inner visioning as you are an ever evolving being of light!

✓ Bonus Replays - Missed a live session? No problem. You've got flexibility with Pre-recorded group sessions are your go-to lifesavers.

Don't wait to transform your life! Enroll in End Toxic Living, download your guidebook, and let the cosmic shift begin. Your journey to joy starts now – seize the moment!

Launch Your Enrollment Now

G et Immediate Access to...

  • Get your hands on the 57-page End Toxic Living Ultimate Guidebook! It's your key to reconnecting with your fabulous self.
  • Access the Lifetime Digital Library, your trusty companion for our live sessions – I've got your back every step of the way!
  • Weekly Live Streaming Coach Sessions, your ticket to never-ending self-awareness evolution all the tools you need so that you can keep co-creating even after the program.
  • Energy amplifying bonuses, align your nervous system as you boost new confidence in your manifestation power.
  • Bonus Maintenance: 12 months Live Coaching Support - join any live immersion for one year to receive live support in clearing stubborn patterns and cycles blocking your path.et clear and stay clear.
  • 3 Bonus Chakra Alignments and Balancing - Regulate your Central Nervous System with the ancient wisdom of the chakras.
  • 3 Bonus Strategy Sessions - Overcoming old habits, ways of being and conditioned responses are often the hardest thing to do but so neccesary when manifesting change, opportunities and alignments. So, each strategy session helps you see the past the old version of you and shows you how to align with the authentic you more fully.

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