Now. Today. Completely. Forever.

Break free from stubborn cycles and pattens holding you back from new life experiences, your dreams and goals

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Ever felt like manifesting your dreams and embracing a purpose-driven life just isn't happening as fast as you were told it should?

If you'd landed here, I can guarantee, like most, you've probably sought after and tried everything but still the results remain elusive. Or you've experienced manifesting some pieces and parts but then get blindsided by delays, drama and more obstacles to reach your destination. Meanwhile, you're left feeling exhausted, frustrated, and second-guessing your worthiness of what you want.

Hey Sis, here's a news flash: it doesn't have to be this way!

Let me introduce you to the Secret 7. The method to get you passed the roadblock of old habits, patterns and cycles so that you can walk desciviely towards your new life's reality in 7-weeks.

Imagine a life where you're no longer burning the midnight oil anxiously trying figure it out, or wondering what you did wrong, but instead enjoying the luxury of all life's treasures; the loving and healthy relationship, free of financial stress and embodying your soul's purpose with passion. It's not a distant dream; it's a reality you can obtain.

Here's what you'll get:

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From energy activations to soul prompts, you'll be fortified to take intuitive action towards transforming your inner dialog by gaining clarity on the parts that counter what you seek to manifest and boost your confidence, self-worth and internal trust and love for the parts of yourself that are free to support the changes you're here to be free of once and for all.

WEEK #1: From the beginning, discover the formula that helps you to connect with your true vibe and direction.

Rediscover your worth, and rock your best self with confidence so that you can shed self-doubt in yourself!

WEEK #2: Get fearless over the anxiety by learning to listen to the only voice that matters, yours!

WEEK #3: Get out of your comfort zone with a formula designed to reconnect you to your limitless potential.

Elevate your vision, trust intuition, conquer fear, cultivate self-love, and connect deeply with yourself so that you can begin aligning with your intentions more rapidly.

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WEEK #4: Harness inner strength as you rewriting your story so that you can stop doubting yourself and say goodbye to power struggles.

WEEK #5: Discover how to build mantras, intentions that resonante with your new voice, heart and soul.

WEEK #6: Smash old habits, access new levels of financial stability and love, unveil your hidden intuition and connect to your life path like never before.

Learn the secret to "letting go" and discover how to trust your vision, dreams as yourself fullfilling new prophecy.

In WEEK #7: Execute the entire method so that you can take powerful steps forward on your life path with more consistency and frequent alignments to your dreams desires and goals.

What You'll Experience:

Clear energy blockages and align with your true intentions.

Reclaim your personal power, vision, dream and feminine authority.

Develop new, thoughts and behaviors in agreement with your heart & soul.

Begin experiencing new life opprtunities, change of preception and your intention in coherence with your life.

Get Immediate Access:

Lifetime Access to Digital Library: Ongoing access to a rich repository of chakra healing, brainwave sound meditation, sacred feminine activation, and more.

Ultimate Guidebook: 57-page comprehensive formula with step-by-step strategies, methods and fthe Secret 7 formula you need to end the cycle and patterns countering tyour ability to manifest your life's biggest dreams.

Masterful Videos Guides: easy-of-access to videos guides filled with the encouragement you need to cheer you on but also hold you accountable ot your dreams, every step of the way!

Supportive Community: Access to a private online community of like-minded women.

How much?

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Special Offer




3x - Power Strategy Sessions

This isn’t just another coaching program. The End Toxic Living Your-Own-Pace is a comprehensive system that addresses the root of your of patterns and combines ancient wisdom with modern techniques. Each designed to alter your mindset, move past unruly emotions, and empower you to create lasting change a each additional Power Strategy Session.

($997 Value)


3x - Healing Guides & Sessions

You've heard that being the vibration of your desires is important, right? Well, it's so important that included with your lifetime digital library you get 3 energetic healing sesions so that you can elevate your vibe. Each Chakra bonus cleansing is a powerful tool to assist you in releasing self-sabotage and scarcity and align you frequency of your dreams.

($777 Value)

Exclusive Bonus

Brainwave Sound Bath

Limited on time, but those persistent thoughts of doubt and disbelief keep pulling on you through the day. or maybe you're overhelmed with the anxiety of how the bills are going to get paid. The reality is you brain is the second biggest part of manifesting your new life and this is the just the type of sonic sound waves you need to begin eradictating long held beliefs.

Only available ($222 Value)

Client Love

Meet Your Coach

Demetriah Annenayah

Demetriah Annenayah is the Author of the 2024 number #1 Best Seller of Becoming an Unstoppable Woman. She is devoted to elevating women to obtaining her abundant alignment and souls' purpose. A seasoned spiritual teacher, coach and healer, she's been honing her gifts, talents, skills and abilities for over 30+ years.

She empowers women to reach beyond the resistance, long-held patterns and stubborn cycles to opening up to receive their desires and perpetuate it repeatedly.

Demetriah Annenayah is an Akashic Records Master Channel, Board Certified Trainer and Master Practitioner of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Hypnotherapy, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), NeuroBreathwork Practitioner, Tantra Coach, Reiki Level III Master and Certified Teacher, and Sound Therapy Practitioner.

Let's Recap What You Get

Bonus Coaching Notes for deeper clarity and intention setting.

✓ Unleash the 7 Secrets of Rapid Manifesting Formula - Each week, activate a new secret and get a vibrational boost your self-esteem and calm the mental angst, shut down critical over-thinking and shift into cohernece with your dreams!

✓Go from status quo or survival mode and get crystal clear about your self-worth, value, gifts and abilities to drop the weight of people-pleasing.

✓ Access a powerhouse of like-minded queens, mavens, divas, sages, warriors, goddesses and princesses ready to take their rightful place in their sovereign authority of reaching new heights. Our community is filled with like-minded souls so mix and mingle with other sacred feminine women!

✓ Energize your vibration with a Bonus Chakra Cleansing and Reframes.

Empowering Bonus Strategy Sessions - These gems help you weave each principles, method and formual seamlessly together into your daily life.

✓ Continue the journey with Lifetime Access – Your golden ticket to ongoing renewal and inner visioning as you evolve and take on new desires and dreams.

Bonus Maintenance - You've got flexibility with pre-recorded immersion sessions, these deepen your transformation with Q&A and bonus live healing only available in the group immersion, the my birthday (in July) gift to you as go at your own pace. Grab this Christmas in July hidden bonus!

Don't wait to transform your life! Enroll in End Toxic Living, download your guidebook, and let the cosmic shift begin. Your journey to joy and inner peace starts here – seize the moment!

Get Immediate Access:

Lifetime Access to Digital Library: Ongoing access to a rich repository of chakra healing, brainwave sound meditation, sacred feminine activation, and more.

Ultimate Guidebook: 57-page comprehensive formula with step-by-step strategies, methods and fthe Secret 7 formula you need to end the cycle and patterns countering tyour ability to manifest your life's biggest dreams.

Masterful Videos Guides: easy-of-access to videos guides filled with the encouragement you need to cheer you on but also hold you accountable ot your dreams, every step of the way!

Supportive Community: Access to a private online community of like-minded women.



Who is this for?

This 7-week End Toxic Living go at Your-Own-Pace is right for you if:

-People who struggle with negative thoughts, emotions and fears blocking them from reaching for their dreams.

-Anyone repeating unhealthy relationship cycles and desire to connect with an authentic partnership/relationship.

-Anyone seeking to access powerful tools of manifestations to create consistent success.

-Healers, Coaches, and Business Mavericks who haven't yet been to connect with their community but desire to share their magic.

-Those who feel trapped, alone or shrink into life roles or aspects of life that no longer serve them.

-Anyone fearful of change, life transitions or harmful patterns keeping them from financial freedom or healthier loving relationships.

-Those who desire new life paths but not sure where to start.

-People who have trying a long time to manifestation anything that still hasn't actualized.

Say goodbye to toxic patterns and hello to a life of joy! Enroll in End Toxic Living, download your guidebook, and let the cosmic magic unfold. Your vibrant future is just a click away!

What if I want to upgrade to the Live Streaming Group Immersion Coaching after I get started?

At anytime after you've launched your End Toxic Living, power-packed Digital Library – you are welcome to elevate your journey with the Live-Streaming Group Immersion with an upgrade to Group Coaching.

Simply, email the Customer Happiness Team at info@streamingenlightement, make subject line UPGRADE and include a contact phone, we may want to confirm the email was sent by you, for your security.

We'll send you will receive a link to pay the difference to begin your immersion experience with real-time coaching, in your vibrant soul community each week.

Once you've paid the difference you'll receive your Group Immersion dates and link to join the interactive link in your email so that you don't miss the cosmic waves of healing.

What topics will each of the 7-weeks cover, Demetriah?

Great question! End Toxic Living is designed to shift past fear-based thinking and beliefs into heart-awakening self-confidence so each week we will unearth subconscious patterns countering our manifesting process as you follow-along with your End Toxic Living 57-page Ultimate Guidebook and digital library weekly Coaching Notes.

Week #1: The Point of Departure -
Learn how to how to get clear about your intentions. With worksheets to support the clearing and elimination of your fear-based version in clarity.

Week #2: Embrace Your Worth & Value -
Worksheets & formula that guides you in celebrating and honoring the deepest most intrinsic parts of your being, vital in manifesting with a new vibration.

Week #3: Break-up with the Dilemma of Change -
Receive techniques and methods to employ strategy to overcoming the fear of change, failure or rejection so that you can develop the resource to eradicate resistance in your manifesting process.

Week #4: Reframe Who You Say You Are
Discover the technique that helps you deepen your story and write the version that helps you become one with your visions and dreams through a higher vantage point of your authentic self.

Week #5: Building Inner Bridges -
Discover the strategy to overcoming overwhelm, anxiety, fear, or stress and how to step outside of your comfort zone and into the life you dream and desire.

Week #6: How To Become Unbreakable -
Get the formula that disrupts old emotional thinking, spirals, and habits that destroy peace and joy so that you can achieve and attract only what you desire.

Week #7 Set Up Your Exit Strategy -
Utilizing all the methods, techniques and formula you'll put together the exit strategy that is right you while learning how to build lasting vibrational intentions fearlessly.

Claim your seat on the cosmic journey! Enroll in End Toxic Living today, download your guidebook, and let's break free from old patterns together. Your time for transformation is now!

How do I know this is right for me?

Beautiful Soul,

Many of my clients, say this in the beginning of their immersive experience with me. Listen Sis, I get it. Change is scary. But if you haven't manifested the desire's of your heart or your tired of the daily hustle and anxiety drill of over-thinking because you've tired everything, let me tell you this, "Never give up!"

Healing comes in life stages at the time on your path when we're ready to receive it. So, if you're still seeking love, lie purpose, wealth, mental peace, heart healing or reclaiming your power, this is the space for you.

If you need a minute, get know more about me, visit my website www.iampoweredbylove.com

But, don't you dare walk away from this convergence of this moment and opportunity on your path.

Start today. Download you guidebook and give yourself the love and life you deserve. Your cosmic transformation begins today!

Launch Your Enrollment

Get started right now & go at Your Own Pace

Start right now by downloading your guidebook and complete module one: The Welcome & Introduction, you'll be glad you did! See you on the inside!

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